Curious about why someone would dive deep into the world of technical project management? It’s not just the tech buzz. Let’s chat about my path and see why having an experienced techie project manager truly makes a difference in any task. And then, you will get a clear answer for ‘Why should you choose me as your technical project manager?’. Let’s continue.

Why did I choose to be a technical project manager?

In the tech sector, there’s a space where technology meets planning, where coding intertwines with coordination. That’s where I found my calling. I realized early on that it wasn’t just about coding; it was about guiding a vision to life, bridging the gap between what’s possible and what’s practical. Being a technical project manager allows me to understand the intricate details of the tech world while coordinating them into a cohesive whole. 

It’s like assembling a puzzle where each piece is a line of code or a system, and the final picture is the completed project. This role offered a unique blend of challenges and rewards, driving my passion to shape digital solutions while boosting team collaboration.

Then, why did I pick technical project management over just general project management? Well, think of it like this: while managing projects is valuable, the tech world has its own set of challenges. It’s not just about checking things off a list; it’s about understanding the tech bits and pieces too. Being a technical project manager lets me be right in the middle of all the action, ensuring projects are done right and with that extra tech touch. It is a must for this innovative world. It’s like being the bridge between the techy stuff and the bigger picture.

My qualifications and experience

With 8 enriching years in the tech industry, I wear two hats as a Technical Project Manager and a Senior Software Engineer. My journey allowed me to deliver groundbreaking technology solutions for web-based enterprise products. This hands-on experience, combined with my foundation in enterprise architecture, agile methods, and web-based enterprise application development, made me adept at managing both technical and non-technical projects.

Leading teams both onsite and offshore has given me a broader perspective on collaboration and team dynamics. My leadership style has always been about understanding, coordinating, and ensuring that every stakeholder is aligned and on board. Additionally, my Project Management Professional (PMP)® and Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)® certifications attest to my expertise in project management and agile methodologies. These achievements underline my commitment and aptitude in the vast IT landscape.

Expertise Highlights

  • Hands-on Leadership: Managed 100+ project cycles, delivering over 2000 sprint plans and releases.
  • Global Know-How: Directed operations both locally and abroad, leading both the hSenid Bangladesh Team and other international engineering groups.
  • On-Time, On-Target: Since 2022, we have consistently delivered top-tier tech projects on time, introducing innovative systems to boost our team’s efficiency.
  • Team Builder: Fostered teamwork and continuous growth, ensuring projects shone.
  • Smarter Work: Adopted top project management techniques, making tasks smoother and more efficient.
  • Building Trust: Nurture lasting bonds with partners, tech teams, and business leaders.
  • Tackling Hurdles: Always stay a step ahead, spotting potential hitches and swiftly finding solutions.

The Significance of My Qualifications in the IT Landscape

When we talk about qualifications, it’s not just about the certificates or titles one holds; it’s about the dedication, learning, and value they bring to the table. Let’s take a closer look at what my qualifications mean for you and the projects I manage.

Proven Expertise through Certifications

The Project Management Professional (PMP)® and Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)® are not just fancy titles; they represent hours of rigorous training, testing, and real-world application. Holding these certifications means I’m equipped with recognized and globally accepted practices in project management and agile methodologies. They are a testament to my dedication to the profession and my ability to manage projects efficiently.

A Holistic Understanding of Stakeholder Needs

These certifications, coupled with my experience, have equipped me to fully understand the needs and concerns of every stakeholder involved. Whether it’s a developer grappling with code, a designer envisioning the user interface, or a client anxious about delivery timelines, I’m attuned to everyone’s requirements and ensure they’re factored into the project plan.

Aligning and Onboarding Everyone

In the vast IT landscape, a project’s success isn’t just about completing tasks; it’s about ensuring everyone is rowing in the same direction. My leadership approach, rooted in understanding and coordinating, ensures every team member, from junior developers to senior stakeholders, is on the same track. This cohesive approach reduces friction, improves efficiency, and leads to better project outcomes.

Commitment Beyond the Call of Duty

While certifications are a formal recognition of knowledge, the real value lies in the commitment they represent. Pursuing and maintaining these certifications requires continuous learning and adaptation to the ever-evolving IT landscape. This underlines my dedication to staying updated and delivering the best, most current solutions to any challenge.

In essence, my qualifications aren’t just symbols on a resume; they’re a promise. A promise of quality, understanding, and dedication to making your project successful. They represent my pledge to deliver excellence at every stage of our collaboration.

Why should you choose me as your technical project manager?

Well, imagine you need a bridge that spans the world of intricate tech details to the plains of effective project execution; that’s where I come in. My dedication is visible in every project I touch, backed by certifications that aren’t mere tokens but a testament to my expertise. 

Over the past nine years, I’ve found solutions that make a difference while understanding the nuance of each stakeholder’s needs. With a keen sense of collaboration, I ensure that everyone, from the coder to the client, feels valued and heard. It’s not just about finishing a task; it’s about weaving a tapestry of technology and teamwork. I am your captain for a seamless journey in the tech sea, where every challenge is met with skill, and every success is a shared joy.


As we wrap up our little chat, it’s evident that a technical project manager is more than just a title.  It’s about caring deeply, sparking new ideas, and bringing big dreams into reality. With all the years I’ve spent in the field, coupled with the knowledge and skills I’ve honed, I want to be the go-to person you can trust when the tech world feels like a maze. Ready to team up and make magic happen?

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